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Gypsy Queen

Mirabilia Designs

Gypsy Queen


Model stitched on 32 count Milk Chocolate Linen (65-95) by Wichelt Imports. Alternate fabric 14 count Milk Chocolate Aida (357-95) by Wichelt Imports. Stitched area is 10.688″ w x 17.875″ h with a stitch count of 171 x 286. Stitched 2 over 2.
DMC Floss
154(2), 208, 210, 356, 371, 372, 400, 472, 500, 550, 580, 602, 610, 632*, 677, 720, 721, 730, 754, 758, 814, 838(2), 893, 915, 917, 918(3), 948, 3371(3), 3609, 3808, 3837, 3848, 3849 and white
DMC Blends
356/758, 602/917 and 720/918
Rainbow Gallery Wisper
Caron Waterlilies
084, 108 and 261
Kreinik #4 Braid
002V, 150V and 3232
Mill Hill Beads
03004(4), 10032, 18827, 42011 and 62047
Mill Hill Treasures
13052 and 13056

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