Shop by Vendor
Advent Angel, Dimensions
Bringing Good Cheer, #3 in the Christmas Sampler Series, Blackbird Designs
Santa At the Front Door Kit 14-1223, Permin
The Bells on Christmas Day, Blackbird Design
White Christmas
Twelve Drummers Drumming, 12 Days of Christmas
Ten Lords A Leaping, 12 Days of Christmas
Nine Ladies Dancing, 12 Days of Christmas
Eight Maids A Milking, 12 Days of Christmas
Seven Swans A Swimming, 12 Days of Christmas
Six Geese A Laying, 12 Days of Christmas
Five Golden Rings, 12 Days of Christmas
Four Calling Birds, 12 Days of Christmas
Three French Hens, 12 Days of Christmas
Two Turtles Doves, 12 Days of Christmas
Partridge In A Pear Tree, 12 Days of Christmas
Gift of Peace
Celtic Christmas
Frosty's Night Out, Blackbird Designs
Yuletide Skaters, NeedleForm