The Victoria Sampler
Birthday Bellpulls No 1 Sampler
September, October, November, December! These fun and quick to stitch mini-sampler designs are dedicated to all those special people who are born in September, October, November or December! You get all four designs in one leaflet. You can decide to finish these in several different ways, Four Framed Mini-Samplers, Bookmarks, or Bellpulls: all inexpensive and easy to do! You can edge them with an edging stitch like the Nun's Stitch or Buttonhole Stitch, or line them with contrasting fabric, to make them into very personalized bookmarks. You can also frame them using small narrow frames and wonderful contrasting matting underneath to show the Hardanger cutting. Finally, you can make them into bellpulls, using inexpensive hardware. Enjoy making these as quick gifts, to remember your special friend on her birthday!
September: The blue brilliance of the Sapphire, Birthstone for September, is associated with celestial or heavenly qualities. The sapphire has also long symbolized truth, sincerity, and faithfulness and is used as a guiding star for travelers and seekers of all kinds. Aster, the Birth flower for September, stands for “Elegance and daintiness”, and is a talisman of Love. The blue, white, pink or mauve petals radiate around a yellow center.
October: The beautiful Opal, Birthstone for October, can best be described as a combination of the beauty of all other gems. Opals are considered beneficial to eyesight, so is beloved of needleworkers! Queen Victoria and her daughters loved opals and gave them quite often as presents. Calendula, the Birth flower for October, stands for “pensiveness and winning grace”. These commonly found deep yellow flowers are valued for their extensive medical and culinary uses.
November: Topaz, Birthstone for November, comes in a variety of colors from rich orange yellow to pale gold and even pale blue. Topaz is known for its curative powers and the giving of strength to the wearer. Chrysanthemum, the Birth flower for November, stands for “cheerfulness and optimism” and “long life and happiness”. In the orient, they have long been considered flowers of royalty, and common people were not allowed to grow them.
December: Turquoise, Birthstone for December, was thought to have powerful metaphysical properties, including the protection from demons and promotion of prosperity. Narcissus, the Birth flower for December, stands for “self-confidence”, and is known as a symbol of good fortune. The fragrance and beauty of Narcissus is always welcome in the bleak winter months! Using the enclosed Alphabet and finishing directions, you can personalize this little sampler and finish it into a bellpull, turn it into a bookmark, or little wall hanging or frame it.
Design area: 102h x 26w (7.3” high X 1.85” wide)
Models: 28ct Antique White Quaker Cloth OR 28ct Confederate Grey Cashel
(Cut fabric: 12" high X 8" wide)
Suggested Materials for September
- DMC #8 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC Flosses in appropriate colors
- Kreinik #4 Braid #102 - Vatican gold
- Kreinik #4 Braid #033
Suggested Materials for October
- DMC #8 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC Flosses in appropriate colors
- Kreinik Ombre - #3200
- Kreinik #4 Braid #102 - Vatican gold
Suggested Materials for November
- DMC #8 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC Flosses in appropriate colors
- Kreinik #4 Braid #102 - Vatican gold
- Kreinik #4 Braid #002V - old gold
Suggested Materials for December
- DMC #8 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC Flosses in appropriate colors
- Kreinik #4 Braid #102 - Vatican gold
- Kreinik #4 Braid #029