I collected the pillows into a "button" basket from Longaberget so they could be shared and adored. Charms and Buttons add a special touch. Each need about a 6" square of linen, backing fabric and threads as you see fit.
There is the suggested linens and threads used in the pictured "birds," but you may choose to represent your "souls" using your favorite colors, fabric and trims. Enjoy stitching each "soul" as you remember their special place in your heart.
Use the enclosed alphabet or choose your own favorites. The dark lines are a guide for letter placement.
Weeks Dye Works: Onyx, Caper, Steppingstone
Gentle Art: Mulberry, Barn Grey, Wood Smoke, Blue Spruce
DMC: 310, 611, 3777, 645, 3032, 451, 500
Ball Fringe Trim: Dames of the Needle